Who we are

World Environmental Education Congress – WEEC – is an international congress addressing education for environment and sustainable development.

The WEEC congresses are the most significant experiences existing for connecting people from all over the world to discuss, share knowledge and show the latest in education for the environment and sustainable development.

Since 2003 the Network has organised 11 world congresses, which have seen the participation of thousands of people from over 100 different countries: university professors, government officials and international organisations, journalists, political representatives, businesses, NGOs, …

WEEC is held every two years in different parts of the world to spread and share knowledge. The very 1st WEEC was in Portugal in 2003, and in the following years it has been hosted by countries such as Brazil, Italy, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Morocco, Sweden, Thailand and most recently, 2022, the 11th WEEC was held in Czech Republic.

The Goals of WEEC

WEEC participants and audience

WEEC is an international meeting platform that welcomes everyone interested in education for the environment and sustainable development and connects them with international actors in environmental education. WEEC 2024 is the 12th congress and will take place 29 Jan to 02 Feb 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Who should attend?

The congress is an international meeting point for everyone working in education for environment and sustainable development or who has an interest in the field.

WEEC 2024 is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, and to share your own work and to learn from others. We are expecting participants from a wide range of countries. 

Examples of participants:

  • Researchers and educators at universities
  • Teachers teaching all ages
  • Students from primary to university level
  • Local, regional and national government agencies, municipalities
  • Officials from international organisations
  • NGOs
  • Managers of parks and protected areas
  • Private companies who are interested in environmental and sustainability issues  and in education
  • Media/press

The congress will discuss the role and importance of education for environment and sustainability at all levels; within formal, non-formal and informal education.

Additionally, more than the two main categories of abstracts can be submitted: not only academic abstracts and practitioner abstracts, for example describing a teaching model sample focussing on environment and sustainability, but also other types/formats of abstract, such as novel, short fiction, stage performance, game and interactive activities regarding and representative of environmental education and sustainability are accepted.

Welcome to our network

With the purpose of establishing an international network connecting researchers and participants from all around the world in one platform, WEEC Network invites you to join, be a part of the community and make a change.

The network aims for facilitating cooperation and exchange among those who are committed to reflecting on the link between the environment and education, considered in its formal and informal components (teaching, training, communication, and theory).

It also works to promote active, informed and responsible citizenship as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society, to guarantee an equitable access to natural resources, and a harmonious relationship among human beings, other living beings and the planet.

The Network operates in accordance with the UN and its agencies in collaboration with educational, research, and cultural and scientific organisations at the international, regional, national, and local levels as UNEP, UNESCO, UNECE, UN-CSD Education Caucus, Regional Centers of Expertise.

The Goals of WEEC

Highlights of previous WEEC congresses

irina video

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

Video message at the 9th WEEC - World Environmental Education Congress – WEEC 2017 in Vancouver, Canada

Highlights of WEEC

Highlights of WEEC 2017 in Vancouver, Canada

Take a look at how the WEEC congress is a significant experience, connecting all actors in the field of environmental education.

inga video

Inger Andersen, Executive Director UNEP

Video message at the 10th WEEC - World Environmental Education Congress – WEEC 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand

History of WEEC congresses

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