Outdoor and Place-based Learning in the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration

Connecting with a place and its context has an underpinning role in connecting people and creating a sustainable tomorrow, that is the central theme for WEEC 2024. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration aims to prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems with people's participation and calls for nature-based education within environmental education. Nature-based or place-integrated experiences bestow a range of proven outcomes, including personal-social relevant competencies, that can simultaneously address COVID-19-induced lags in young learners.

We welcome research and practice submissions, including but not limited to:

  • Examples of outdoor and place-based learning.
  • The effects of contact with nature during outdoor EE on Student’s Wellbeing.
  • The future of outdoor based learning (Nature-based or place-integrated experiences) In a world that has contended with COVID-19

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