Promoting Collaboration and Learning Communities to Address Socio-environmental Challenges

Learning communities offer opportunities to engage in rewarding learning experiences that lead to profound personal and social transformations. Several factors are essential for creating and sustaining communities that support transformational learning: social presence, authentic education, interdependency, critical discourse, and leadership.

All responses to significant challenges (such as the COVID-19 pandemic) require a people-based approach. Governments must collaborate with non-government local actors to prevent threats and provide relief measures.

So, the collaborative relationship between government agencies and local communities can contribute to addressing local, regional, or global problems. Contributions may address research and educational practice on the role of governmental-community and civil society organisations in strengthening EE for sustainable development.

We welcome research and practice submissions, including but not limited to:

  • Studies on how crises affect communities, opportunities for mitigation and adaptation from the EE. The experiences and role of EE learning communities. The role of learning communities during the "Covid-19" or other substantial environmental crises: how were societies affected and faced it?
  • Examples of government agencies and communities working together in tackling sustainability crises.
  • The role of citizen science in the field of EE. Good practices in the transfer of knowledge to society.
  • Sustaining and improving learning communities to serve environmental education

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