We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract to the 12th World Environmental Education Congress (WEEC) 2024. We aim to discuss, evaluate, and energise environmental education - to connect people to create a better tomorrow for all of us and the living world.

The WEEC 2024 Scientific and Organising Committee welcome the submission of original contributions to be presented at the Congress. Share your innovative solution in Abu Dhabi, 2024 with the world’s leading audience of environmental educators from formal and non-formal education, NGOs, governments and academia.

Choose your topic from the
10 Environmental Education themes

Submit Your Abstract

Please read through the submission instruction and guidelines to ensure your submission is uploaded into the portal correctly.

For abstract theme and guidelines enquiries, please contact us at info@weec2024.org

For technical challenges with the submission, please contact us at technicalsupport@weec2024.org.

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstract Submission Closes: 30 June 2023

Reviewing Period: 15 March onwards till 31 August 2023

Technical Program Finalised: 30 October 2023

  • Abstracts may only be submitted via the online system. Submissions sent in any other way (post, email, etc.) will not be accepted.
  • To upload your submission, first register with your details. All future communication will be done with the registered author
  • If suggested by the Scientific Committee, you will be able to edit your submission at any moment until the abstract submission deadline by accessing the online system with your credentials

Please, respect the recommended structure for submitting your abstract.

Name/s and Affiliation/s: First name and surname, e-mail address, the correct name of the affiliation and department of each author.

Abstract Title: maximum of 40 words / 200 characters (including blanks and punctuation).

Abstract: maximum of 500 words / 3000 characters (including blanks and punctuation) divided into the following parts:

For research-oriented, conceptual, and theoretical research presentations:

  • Introduction
  • Research questions
  • Method
  • Findings
  • Conclusion & recommendations for theory and practice and possible references

For practice-oriented presentations

Field sessions, and sharing experience (particularly, presentations building a bridge between theory and practice, e.g. assessing a program from the perspective of the relevant theoretical framework, evaluation research or critical perspective are welcome):


  • The goals of the program
  • Programme description
  • Experience and evaluation
  • Conclusion & recommendations for theory and practice and possible references

*Title, authors’ names and affiliations are not included in the word count.

Keywords: 3-5

Optional Image: A maximum of one image can be included with the following criteria:






50 pixels

500 pixels


50 pixels

500 pixels


72 dpi

300 dpi

file size

45 kb

1000 kb

allowed file type


gif, jpg, png


Languages: Abstracts can be submitted in English, Arabic, Spanish and French.


  • If suggested by the Scientific Committee, you will be able to edit your submission at any moment until the abstracts submission deadline by accessing the online system with your credentials
  • Each registered participant may submit a maximum of 2 abstracts as the presenting author. No author may present more than 2 submissions
  • Abstracts will be published, unedited, as submitted
  • Abstracts must be free of typographical and grammatical errors
  • Standard abbreviations may be used for common terms only. Otherwise, any abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract
  • You will be asked to provide a short biography (up to 150 words) with your submission
  • The abstract should include the first author's and all co-authors’ names and organisations
  • The abstract should be approved by management/ legal department

Formats allowed only for in-person presentation

  • Oral presentation
  • Round Table
  • Pecha Kucha
  • Workshop
  • Symposium
  • E-Poster

Presentation format

Please, visit the Themes page for the complete description of the topics.

  • Choose only one theme for your submission, considering the impact of your choice on the reviewing process
  • Please, note that submissions may be re-assigned to other presentation formats by the Scientific Committee, due to time or other constraints

Oral communication 

A 15-minute oral presentation highlights the main themes of the research, viewpoint, or educational project. The presentations will be grouped in sessions, in which a 15-minute interactive period of discussion will follow up after three presentations.

Pecha Kucha - Ignite talk

Pecha Kucha has a fixed format in which presenters need to prepare 20 slides, which automatically advance every 20 seconds. The presentations will be grouped in sessions in which after the 7-minute presentation, the chair opens a 5-minute discussion.

Round table presentation 

Round table paper sessions provide an excellent opportunity for interactive presentation styles through a 40-minute session. These sessions can provide more intimate opportunities to share work and to get to know other Congress participants. Individual presenters are assigned to numbered 10-seats tables in rooms where interested participants may gather for discussion with the presenter about his/her paper or project. This format is particularly appropriate for presentations addressing topics best pursued through extensive discussion. These discussions will be held in English.

E- poster 

Posters will be grouped by themes and will be presented for the duration of the Congress. One specific session will allow the author(s) to present their posters and interact with other Congress participants. Instructions concerning logistics will be provided to presenters further ahead.


60-minute workshop sessions are organised by a team of facilitators responsible for the content and the dynamics of the interactive activity. Participants will be invited to explore an issue (or specific challenge, research question), contribute to the construction of a joint project, experiment with a pedagogical strategy/teaching format, or carry out other collaborative, experiential activities. A brief overview of the issue and objectives will be presented, after which the major part of the workshop will be devoted to participatory and active learning techniques to enable participants to bring their contributions to the table.


Only a limited number of workshops will be accepted by the Programme Committee.

Participation in each workshop will be limited to a maximum number of attendees, who will be able to access on a first-come-first-serve basis.


Symposia are 90-minute panel discussions presenting different perspectives on a topic or question related to one of the themes. Panels must include a moderator (suggested by the proposer) and at least three to a maximum of four panelists representing different organisations, ideas, or experiences. The symposia are submitted as a single document with the names of all the proposers (indicate the moderator as the first author).

  • All abstracts must be original work. An abstract should not be submitted if the work is to be published/presented at a major national or international meeting prior to the 12th WEEC
  • An abstract must contain sufficient information so that if published it will be a complete report independent of presentation. The text should not contain statements alluding to results or conclusions not presented within the text
  • Submission acknowledges consent to publication of the abstract in the Conference proceedings publication
  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Conference in order to ensure their abstract(s) is included in the final programme. Deadline for presenting author registration is insert date
  • All submissions must be completed electronically via the online submission facility. If you are unable to submit in this manner, please contact the Programme and Speaker Manager at speaker@weec2024.org for further information
  • All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided
  • Only 2 abstracts may be submitted by an individual

In submitting an abstract for consideration for the 12th World Environmental Education Congress, the primary author is responsible for ensuring that work described in the abstract was conducted in accordance with the following rules and policies. All abstracts submitted are screened by the Scientific Committee to ensure that the abstract:

  • Includes substantive results
  • Does not promote a commercial product or service

On occasion, the Committee may solicit additional information from submitters to ensure that the work reported in an abstract complies with the policies outlined below. If the additional information was not satisfactory, this constitutes grounds for abstract rejection. While abstracts are evaluated for scientific interest and are citable, the brevity of the presentation precludes rigorous peer review.

  1. Research Conduct Policy

Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal agreement and statement by the authors that they have conducted the study in accordance with the relevant guidelines. Abstracts reporting that was not conducted in accordance with these guidelines will be rejected by the Scientific Committee.

  1. Identical Policy

Presentation material presented at the conference must be identical to that described in the abstract. In particular, the title, authorship and scientific content of the presentation at the meeting must match that in the abstract.

  1. Presentation limits

No presentation may be given by an individual who is not an author on the abstract.

  1. Author consent

All material must be the work of the authors listed.

  1. Presentation agreement remuneration

Abstract submission implies an understanding that the authors will receive no remuneration for participation.

  1. Permission for use of name and likeness

Authors give the conference organisers and representatives the right to use their names in promotional and other material published in relation to the conference. If the author does not agree to this, they must send an e-mail to the organisers conveying the same.

For further information about our data protection procedures please see our Privacy Policy.

  1. Indemnification Agreement

Authors agree to indemnify and hold harmless the event organisers, their agents and representatives should the material presented or provided for publication be determined to defame, or slander an individual or organisation, violate the confidentiality of any individual or organisation or infringe on another's copyright.

Submitting authors must agree to the above terms at time of submission.

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