Main programme

Main programme

The five-day programme for the 12th World Environmental Education congress taking place 29 Jan to 02 Feb 2024 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is currently being planned and prepared by the secretariat as well as the local and international socio-scientific committees.

The main programme will be published in early-2023.

The opening and closing addresses, plenary sessions, panel discussions and parallel sessions are being planned around the themes that have been defined for WEEC 2024. 

Topics will enable everyone working in education for environment and sustainable development, or who has an interest in the field, to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education. To discuss with people from all over the world and to share your own work.

Surrounding the main programme

Networking events, field trips and much more

Surrounding the main programme for WEEC 2024, to be published in early-2023, will be the variety of different events that make the WEEC congresses so special. 

The opening and closing ceremonies, welcome reception and networking dinner. Cross-cutting dialogues, discussions of smaller and engaged groups of participants, that link various stakeholders to promote their cooperation and communication to achieve positive change in our field. Field sessions that build a bridge between the theory and the practice, serving as case studies for particular topics discussed during the workshop-style sessions. Field excursions to some of the most beautiful and interesting places in Abu Dhabi. Side events that take the opportunity of the 12th WEEC congress to enable delegates to discuss, share knowledge and show the latest in education for the environment and sustainable development.


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