Following is an overview of the five-day programme planned for the 12th World Environmental Education congress taking place 29 Jan to 02 Feb 2024.

The programme will enable everyone working in education for environment and sustainable development, or who has an interest in the field, to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, discuss with people from all over the world and share their work. The full programme is currently being planned and prepared by the secretariat as well as the local and international socio-scientific committees, including the variety of different events surrounding the congress that will make the Abu Dhabi edition so special.

An exciting range of speakers, leading figures in the fields of environment, education and goverrnment, are being lined-up for the Opening Ceremony. These public figures will be announced soon, as well as Keynote speakers, Chairs of Panel Discussions and Invited Panelists participating in the programme.

The plans for the parallel sessions surrounding congress themes and topics, led by experts in environmental education, will be announced in September when more details of the programme are published

Sixteen educational field trips are planned during the 12thWEEC, connecting theory with practice.The morning, afternoon or full day sessions provide participants with the opportunity to explore many of the landscapes and environmental education landmarks in and around Abu Dhabi. Transport is included. Visit our Field Trips page to find out more

Cross-cutting dialogues are an important part of the 12th WEEC and its goal of “Connecting People, Creating Tomorrow”. These aim to link various stakeholders to promote their cooperation and communication to promote positive changes in our field. Based on discussions of smaller but engaged groups of participants, more details will be announced when the programme is published in September.

A series of webinars will be available, focusing on various crosscutting areas related to environmental and sustainability education. They intend to provide a meaningful opportunity to engage in a virtual environment, particularly for the online participants. The schedule and details of the online programme will be available when the full programme is published.

The Youth Environmental Education Conference (YEEC), which runs parallel and is mainstreamed to the World Environmental Education Congress, is a platform that provides opportunities to engage youth in Environmental Education, and articulate their thoughts, challenges, address their interests, concerns, and goals. Additionally, YEEC provide opportunities for youth to engage with practitioners in the design, process and implementation of Environmental Education initiatives and programmes. Visit our YEEC page to find out more.

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