Registration is now open

Registration is now open for the 12th World Environmental Education Congress, taking place in Abu Dhabi, 29 January to 2 February 2024.

All participants in WEEC2024  should register online. Please read the information below and sign up here to create your account




Delegates, including abstract presenters (oral and poster) will register through the relevant categories below. However, students from schools will be allowed to enter the congress on a complimentary basis, given prior approvals from EAD.


Registration Categories

Online Early Bird

(May – Aug 2023)

Online Standard Fee

(Sept 2023 - Jan 2024)

Onsite Fee

(28 Jan – 02 Feb 2024)

 Conference Delegate

(Teachers, Academics, Business Community)

USD 450

USD 550

USD 650

Conference Youth, age between 18-30yrs

(Student, young researchers and young professionals)

USD 400

USD 500

USD 600

Conference Pass for NGOs or residents of  least developed countries

(NGOs- The United Nations Department of Public Information defines an NGO as “a not- for profit, voluntary citizen's group that is organized on a local, national or international level to address issues in support of the public good")

USD 350

USD 450

USD 550

Conference Group rates 5+ pax / 10+ pax

-10% / -20%

-10% / -20%

-10% / -20%


The registration rate includes the following:

*One Networking dinner pass included

*Welcome coffee + lunch + welcome reception + full access to exhibition + congress sessions + youth conference included

*Field Trips, on first come first serve basis and on capacity availability, included

*Access to the YEEC (Youth Environmental Education Conference) included

*VAT 5% included

*Students below 18 years will need to be nominated through their academic institution which will be communicated to the Organizing Committee directly. This will be considered as a visit from the institution based on timings and dates of attendance from the students. There will be no fees charged for the visit. Meals will be included during their attendance, owever the logistics to arrive at the venue will be under the academic institution responsibility. A guardian nominated from the institution must accompany the students during the visit.


Terms & Conditions

English is the official language of the Conference.

Cancellation can be done on or before 12 January 2024 with full refund less 20% Administration charge. Cancellations received after this date will be liable for the full registration fee. The organiser shall not be liable for refunds should visas not be obtained. Substitutions can be made until 12 January 2024.

Cancellation and substitution must be made in writing and should be sent to

Submitting a completed registration and its receipt by the organisers will be deemed conclusive evidence of the participant’s agreement to pay the full registration fee due. Registration is not considered complete and no participant will be permitted to attend unless payment is received by the relevant due date. Acceptance of the registration is at the discretion of the organiser.

Methods of payment will be: Credit Card; Electronic Funds Transfer/Bank Deposit. If paying by bank transfer, proof of payment will have to be sent by email to

All international money transfer costs and bank transfer fees will have to be paid by the sender.

Programme Changes: The organiser reserves the right to make changes to the Congress programme at any time. 

For registration enquiries, please contact

To read full registration terms & conditions, please  click here .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A: For international travelers and visa queries, please visit for more information 

A: Yes, once the registration is completed, you can request for an invitation letter if required for the visa application. Please email

A: Please refer to the website -  for the latest news on travel requirements to Abu Dhabi.

A: Yes, will be assisting on all travel queries.

A: We will soon publish a Hotels & Accommodation tab under the Travel section of our website. Please refer to this for the best deals.

Manage your registration online

Online registration is now open. Create your account and make an online payment to confirm your attendance at WEEC 2024.

When the full congress programme is announced, your online registration will enable you to manage all aspects of your attendance at the 12th WEEC.

Abstract submission

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